Genres: Drama, Mystery, and Sci-Fi Runtime: 42–63 minutes Created by: Steven Strait Stars Cast: Steven Strait, Dominique Tipper, Wes Chatham, Cas Anvar Cinematography: Jeremy...
Welcome to the world of Bosch (2014), where our hero, Harry Bosch, proves that being a grumpy detective can be an art form! Imagine a noir detective who’s got the charm of a caffeinated raccoon and...
Welcome to Patriot (2015), where espionage meets eccentricity in the most unexpected way! Imagine a spy thriller where the undercover agents are as likely to get tangled in their own shoelaces as they...
Welcome to Jury Duty (2023), where the courtroom drama meets comedic chaos! Imagine a world where legal proceedings aren’t just serious business but also a hilarious adventure. This show takes you...
Welcome to the world of “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” – where the comedy is sharp, the outfits are dazzling, and the sass is practically a superpower! This hit show, set in the 1950s, takes...
Welcome, fellow superhero enthusiasts, to our deep dive into “Superman: The Movie” (1978) – the film that taught us all to believe a man can fly! Released in a time when bell-bottoms were...