Robert Downey Jr.: What He Do Before Acting

Robert John Downey Jr., one of Hollywood’s most celebrated actors, was born on April 4, 1965, in Manhattan, New York City. His journey to stardom was not without its challenges, but his early life was marked by experiences that would shape his unique personality and formidable acting talent.

Clearing Tables and Customer Service

Clearing tables at Central Falls restaurant was one of Downey’s early jobs. This job required physical labor and an ability to deal with a variety of people, honing his interpersonal skills. Working in a shoe store, Downey learned the importance of customer service and salesmanship. However, one of his most unique jobs was performing as “living art” at the nightclub Area. This unconventional role involved standing still as part of a live art installation, which tested Downey’s ability to remain composed and focused for extended periods.

Struggles and Odd Jobs

As he grew older, Downey’s passion for acting continued to develop. However, his path to success was not straightforward. To support himself while pursuing his dream, Downey took on a variety of odd jobs. These included clearing tables at Central Falls restaurant, working in a shoe store, and performing as “living art” at the nightclub Area. Each of these jobs offered Downey valuable life experiences and a deeper appreciation for the hard work required to succeed in the entertainment industry

A Family Steeped in the Arts

Robert Downey Jr. was the younger of two children in a family deeply embedded in the entertainment industry. His father, Robert Downey Sr., was a renowned filmmaker, and his mother, Elsie Ann (née Ford), was an accomplished actress. This artistic environment provided Downey with an early exposure to the world of cinema and performance. His father’s ancestry included Lithuanian Jewish, Hungarian Jewish, and Irish descent, while his mother had Scottish, German, and Swiss roots. This diverse cultural background contributed to Downey’s multifaceted personality.

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Robert Downey Jr
Photo By D23

The Shadow of Substance Abuse

Growing up in such a creative household had its perks and pitfalls. On the one hand, it provided Downey with an early introduction to the world of acting. On the other, it exposed him to a lifestyle that included substance abuse from a very young age. Downey’s father was a drug addict, and his mother struggled with alcoholism. This environment of addiction had a profound impact on Downey, who later admitted that he was “surrounded by drugs” as a child. His father even allowed him to use marijuana at the tender age of six, which Downey later described as a misguided attempt by his father to bond with him.

Early Acting Roles

Despite these challenges, Downey’s early experiences in film were significant. He made his acting debut at the age of five in his father’s absurdist comedy film “Pound” (1970), where he played a sick puppy. This early role was followed by another appearance at the age of seven in the surrealist Western film “Greaser’s Palace” (1972). These early roles, although minor, were instrumental in shaping Downey’s acting skills and understanding of the film industry.


In conclusion, before becoming the iconic actor known for his roles in “Iron Man” and “Sherlock Holmes,” Robert Downey Jr. navigated a complex and challenging early life. His upbringing in a family entrenched in the film industry, coupled with the personal struggles he faced, played a crucial role in shaping the actor he would become. Through a series of minor film roles and a variety of jobs to support himself, Downey honed his craft and developed the resilience that would ultimately lead to his success in Hollywood. His story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of embracing one’s experiences, no matter how challenging, as stepping stones to future achievements.

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